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Prayer to Jesus conceived in the womb of Mary


O Jesus, Eternal Word conceived from the

Father before all time and born in time from the Virgin Mary;

I meditate on You enclosed in that

most tender and feminine of wombs,

through which your humanity was made flesh.


I meditate upon your divine source

present in those early moments

when your body was being formed,

that same body which was to be born,

died and was resurrected for the salvation of the world.


Before you, Jesus, who grows in the womb of a woman,

I bring all those who were conceived in the wombs of their mothers,

full of life through their spiritual and immortal soul,

who are growing and nearing the day of their birth into the world.


O Jesus conceived in the Womb!

I pray: fill all mothers and fathers

with love and joy for the innocent ones about to be born.

